Veteran Care

Your service to our country is appreciated.  That is why veterans are treated free of charge after contacting their primary physician at the VA.  The primary physician should submit a request for treatment by Dr. Deprey, which are approximately 12 visits in a 6-month period.  Once our office receives authorization, we will call to schedule an appointment. If further treatment is needed past the 12 authorized visits, we can submit a request for additional visits. 

Tri-Care is a separate insurance for retired veterans and does not apply to the above-mentioned coverage. 

Veterans Access Choice and Accountability Act

U.S. Veteran Health Concerns

For members and veterans of our military, PTSD can be a common affliction. Almost 31% of Vietnam veterans, 10% of Gulf War veterans and 11% of veterans of the war in Afghanistan may be afflicted with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

PTSD patients under Chiropractic care see a reduction in physical pain they suffer due to this affliction. The Choice Act allows veterans the ability to seek local chiropractic treatment through a qualified provider such as Deprey Chiropractic. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) allows VA health care enrollees to receive health care within your community using the “Choice Program” and does not impact your existing VA health care or any other VA benefit.

For more information about the Choice Act click here.

New Research on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Veterans

“Research indicates that minor shifts in the structure of the spine may impact the function of the brain and nervous system, suggesting that these structural shifts may be a factor in a number of mental health challenges” stated Dr. Matthew McCoy, a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study. McCoy continued “Structural shifts may lead to nerve obstruction and could possibly be involved in a host of mental health problems such as PTSD”.